
Click 支持两种类型的脚本参数: 选项和参数。 命令行脚本的作者通常在使用哪个脚本时会有一些混淆,所以这里是对这些差异的简要概述。 正如其名称所示,选项是可选的。虽然参数在合理的范围内是可选的,但是它们在选择 的方式上会受到更多的限制。

为了帮助您在选项和参数之间做出决定,建议仅使用参数,例如转到子命令或输入 文件名, / , URLs, 然后让所有其他选项成为选项。



  • 选项可自动提示缺少输入
  • 选项可作为标志(布尔值或其他)
  • 选项值可以从环境变量中拉出来,但参数不能
  • 选项能完整记录在帮助页面中,但参数不能(这显而易见,因为参数可能过于具体而不能自动记录)




str / click.STRING:
int / click.INT:
float / click.FLOAT:
bool / click.BOOL:
接受布尔值的参数。这是自动使用布尔值的标志。如果字符值是: 1, yes, ytrue 转化为 True0, no, nfalse 转化为 False
接受UUID值的参数。这不是自动识别,而是表示为 uuid.UUID.
class click.File(mode='r', encoding=None, errors='strict', lazy=None, atomic=False)

Declares a parameter to be a file for reading or writing. The file is automatically closed once the context tears down (after the command finished working).

Files can be opened for reading or writing. The special value - indicates stdin or stdout depending on the mode.

By default, the file is opened for reading text data, but it can also be opened in binary mode or for writing. The encoding parameter can be used to force a specific encoding.

The lazy flag controls if the file should be opened immediately or upon first IO. The default is to be non lazy for standard input and output streams as well as files opened for reading, lazy otherwise.

Starting with Click 2.0, files can also be opened atomically in which case all writes go into a separate file in the same folder and upon completion the file will be moved over to the original location. This is useful if a file regularly read by other users is modified.

See 文件参数 for more information.

class click.Path(exists=False, file_okay=True, dir_okay=True, writable=False, readable=True, resolve_path=False, allow_dash=False, path_type=None)

The path type is similar to the File type but it performs different checks. First of all, instead of returning an open file handle it returns just the filename. Secondly, it can perform various basic checks about what the file or directory should be.

在 6.0 版更改: allow_dash was added.

  • exists -- if set to true, the file or directory needs to exist for this value to be valid. If this is not required and a file does indeed not exist, then all further checks are silently skipped.
  • file_okay -- controls if a file is a possible value.
  • dir_okay -- controls if a directory is a possible value.
  • writable -- if true, a writable check is performed.
  • readable -- if true, a readable check is performed.
  • resolve_path -- if this is true, then the path is fully resolved before the value is passed onwards. This means that it's absolute and symlinks are resolved.
  • allow_dash -- If this is set to True, a single dash to indicate standard streams is permitted.
  • type -- optionally a string type that should be used to represent the path. The default is None which means the return value will be either bytes or unicode depending on what makes most sense given the input data Click deals with.
class click.Choice(choices)

The choice type allows a value to be checked against a fixed set of supported values. All of these values have to be strings.

See 选择选项 for an example.

class click.IntRange(min=None, max=None, clamp=False)

A parameter that works similar to click.INT but restricts the value to fit into a range. The default behavior is to fail if the value falls outside the range, but it can also be silently clamped between the two edges.

See 范围选项 for an example.

自定义参数类型可以通过子类实现 click.ParamType 。对于简单的情况,也支持传递一个失败的 ValueError Python函数,尽管不鼓励这么做。


参数(包括选项和参数)都接受一些参数声明的位置参数。每个带有单个短划线的字符串 都被添加为短参数; 每个字符串都以一个双破折号开始。如果添加一个没有任何破折号的 字符串,它将成为内部参数名称,也被用作变量名称。

如果一个参数没有给出一个没有破折号的名字, 那么通过采用最长的参数并将所有的破折号 转换为下划线来自动生成一个名字。 如果一个有 ('-f', '--foo-bar') 的选项,那么该参数名被设置为 foo_bar , 如果一个有 ('-x',) 的选项, 那么该参数名被设置为 x , 如果一个有 ('-f', '--filename', 'dest') 的选项,那么该参数名被设置为 dest


要实现一个自定义类型,你需要继承这个 ParamType 类 类型可以调用有或没有上下文和参数对象,这就是为什么他们需要能够处理这个问题。

下面的代码实现了一个整数类型,除了普通整数之外,还接受十六进制和八进制数字, 并将它们转换为常规整数::

import click

class BasedIntParamType(click.ParamType):
    name = 'integer'

    def convert(self, value, param, ctx):
            if value[:2].lower() == '0x':
                return int(value[2:], 16)
            elif value[:1] == '0':
                return int(value, 8)
            return int(value, 10)
        except ValueError:
            self.fail('%s is not a valid integer' % value, param, ctx)

BASED_INT = BasedIntParamType()

如你所见, 一个子类需要实现这个 ParamType.convert() 方法,并且可以选择提供这个 ParamType.name 属性。后者可用于文档的目的。